The Association for Undergraduate Education at Research Universities is a member-driven, dues-supported national consortium of R1/2 universities, all of which are dedicated to innovation and excellence in undergraduate education.
Annual institutional membership is $5,000.
Benefits of membership include access to Association for Undergraduate Education at Research Universities peers and programs, which entail opportunities to learn and partner at every level in undergraduate affairs. For example:
Inclusion in the UVP Network, which provides peer-to-peer networking, professional development, and community support for individuals in UVP (or equivalent) roles.
Bi-weekly "Hot Topics" discussions for UVPs to connect on urgent issues of the day.
Monthly "Town Halls" which feature an expert speaker and group discussion (e.g., Dr. Carl Wieman's fall 2023 town hall on the Boyer 2030 Report).
Free registration for two in-person UVP meetings each year, which are hosted by UERU member campuses. Find information on upcoming UVP meetings at
Additional benefits include:
Access to UERU communities of practice, including the Academic Advising Community of Practice, which provides opportunities for UVPs to support their direct reports via regular virtual programming and the annual University of Pittsburgh Mentoring and Advising Summit, co-sponsored by UERU.
Access to MyUERU, a password-protected online community where UVPs and their teams can engage in discussion around member-posed topics, create subcommunities, and find support for common challenges.
Reduced member registration fees for the UERU National Conference, held annually in partnership with AAC&U.
Reduced member registration fees for UERU's Lamborn-Hughes Institute, an opportunity for teams—including but not limited to academic and student affairs leaders—to “strengthen the student-centered research university.”