Revisit Past UERU Conferences

Elevating Holistic Student Success: Enrollment Management to World Readiness

The 2025 UERU National Conference and AAC&U Pre-Conference Symposium
January 22-23 | Washington, D.C.

The 2025 UERU National Conference (and AAC&U pre-conference symposium) was dedicated to Elevating Holistic Student Success: Enrollment Management to World Readiness. In 2021, UERU convened the Boyer 2030 Commission Report to revisit the 1998 Boyer manifesto, Reinventing Undergraduate Education. This year’s conference theme challenges us to envision comprehensive systems that align with and support student learning and growth. It invites us to consider quantitative and qualitative measures of student success, and to address the entire spectrum of undergraduate education, spanning from recruitment and bridge programs to proactive advising, curriculum innovations, and world readiness.

On January 22, UERU welcomed AAC&U President and Boyer 2030 Commissioner, Lynn Pasquerella, for opening remarks, and a luncheon keynote by Jennifer Rice King, Senior Vice President and Provost, University of Maryland, with a call to action in "Mission Focused: Centering Excellence and Equity in Undergraduate Education." UERU National Conference participants also enjoyed AAC&U’s opening night forum and reception, and a series of sessions on Day 1 & Day 2, culminating in an evening reception and poster session. Special thanks to plenary session presenters Terrell Strayhorn, Deborah A. Santiago, and Nikos Varelas, and sponsors Ascendium, Mentor Collective, Knack, BetterMynds, and Mainstay. 

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The Equity/Excellence Imperative In Action

The 2024 UERU National Conference and AAC&U Pre-Conference Symposium
January 17-18 | Washington, D.C.

The 2024 UERU National Conference (and AAC&U pre-conference symposium) was dedicated to The Equity/Excellence Imperative in Action. This is the title of the UERU-sponsored Boyer 2030 Commission Report, with the addition of “in action” to emphasize the presentation of leading-edge innovations in undergraduate education from across the U.S. research university landscape. On Jan. 17, UERU welcomed AAC&U President and Boyer 2030 Commissioner, Lynn Pasquerella, for opening remarks, and a luncheon keynote on Boyer 2030 by AAC&U's Tia Brown McNair. UERU National Conference participants also enjoyed AAC&U’s Jan. 17 opening night forum and reception, and a series of sessions on Jan. 18, culminating in an evening reception and poster session.

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2022 UERU National Conference

The Equity/Excellence Imperative

The 2022 UERU National Conference
November 14-16 | Arlington, Virginia

The UERU Biennial National Conference returned in 2022. The 2022 National Conference theme was The Equity/Excellence Imperative, the focus of the UERU-sponsored Boyer 2030 Commission Report.

The conference featured five plenary sessions, eighteen breakout sessions, and many posters. The sessions offered practical guidance for achieving the realization of equity/excellence in undergraduate education at the nation's research universities.

National Conference, November 8-10, 2018

Cultivating Curiosity, Creativity, and Discovery
Undergraduate Educational Experiences in Research Universities

The 2018 Reinvention Collaborative National Conference
November 8-10 | Arlington, Virginia

The 2018 Biennial National Conference featured more UVPs (Undergraduate Vice Presidents/Provosts) and more participants overall than any previous Reinvention Collaborative meeting.

Plenary speakers included presidents of major higher education consortia and university presidents and provosts. National conference plenaries also included leading UVPs, experts in undergraduate affairs.

The conference also featured breakout sessions that highlighted undergraduate innovation at myriad research universities, a poster session, meet-the-author with Buck Goldstein, and sponsorship by Piazza.

The papers on which conference presentations are based were collected in an online digital resource. In this way, UERU aims to disseminate its members’ featured innovative practices for the benefit of all.

At the conference, the first steps of RC20/20, a multi-year project aimed at the improvement of understanding the efforts of universities to advance the undergraduate educational experience by designing, implementing, evaluating and highlighting research-based programs, were presented.

2018 National Conference Proceedings

Diversity, Culture, and Identity  In America’s Research Universities

Diversity, Culture, and Identity In America’s Research Universities

The 2016 Reinvention Collaborative National Conference
November 10-12 | Arlington, Virginia

2016 National Conference Proceedings